The Hansens

Jesden Hansen

BFA Senior Exhibition 2024
Department of Art and Design
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Minnesota Duluth

The Hansens is an exhibition that gives a brief look into what I believe is my most important asset, the thing I value the most by far, that pushes me to be better: my family.

My journey that culminates in this exhibition began over twenty years ago when I started college with the idea that I would get a degree, start a family, and find an awesome job. With those goals in mind I enrolled in 2001 at Lake Superior College to get my 2-year degree and find what I was interested in, and I earned an AA degree there. Right after graduation I immediately signed up to attend UMD to complete a marketing degree. Marketing did not turn out to be my thing, so I switched to teaching. That lasted for a year and I made another change to the fine arts degree. Art has always been a field that interested me. I wanted to know more about making beautiful art works. Around this time I got married, bought a house, and just as I was going to start the last semester of my senior year, I was told we were going to have triplets. I would need to take a break from school. Well, now I do have that awesome job and an amazing family.

My goal in this series is to have you, the audience, see my family through my eyes. I’ve achieved this through my use of light, depth of field and patience… lots of patience. This exhibit depicts the simple pleasures that come with being around your loved ones. I want you to see watching TV, doing your hair, playing a game, and taking a walk as moments of importance, worth hanging on a wall.

It’s finally time to finish the B.F.A degree I started over twenty years ago. With this senior exhibition, my coursework is complete.

The Cast






